Leadership in his genes?

Tuesday. Jan 23, 2018 / Simon Hill

Leadership is a much over-used word but it seem to us it has never been more relevant in making employees align with the task in hand, both in large companies and small. In this article in the FT, Rupert Soames tells how he volunteered for the job of leading Serco, whose public-sector contracts include running prisons in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region; maintaining and supporting RAF Fylingdales, the core of the UK’s missile early warning system; and operating the London bicycle hire scheme. He seems to have inherited the public service gene from his grandfather Winston Churchill. You can read the rest of of the article at https://www.ft.com/content/00f51a94-d4f2-11e7-8c9a-d9c0a5c8d5c9


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